Proper Preparation for Painting

Painting a house is a big expense. Whether you hire someone to do it or do it yourself, it is absolutely necessary to properly prepare for the job. Attempting to simply paint over your existing paint without the proper attention to the prep work required to apply paint properly can result in catastrophic failure to the paints ability to adhere to the surface. It is very important to remove all of the loose old paint before attempting to apply new paint, otherwise the new paint will begin to peal and chip off prematurely. Although many painting companies may claim to pressure wash your house before painting, that is actually not their profession. They are painters. Ryan’s Pressure Washing can provide you with the professional job required to remove all loose paint and properly prepare your house for painting. Painting companies typically use small low powered pressure washing units. Ryan’s Pressure Washing uses Large, Commercial, Trailer Mounted units most importantly with heated water to strip away the most stubborn loose paint particles, insuring that the new paint will adhere and stay affixed to the intended surface. So, before investing large amounts of money painting, it makes good sense to do the job right out of the gate. So, give Ryan’s Pressure Washing a call before painting your number one possession. Ryan’s Pressure Washing can prepare Residential and Commercial surfaces for painting.


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